New Look Tom Brady Saddens NFL Fans

New Look Tom Brady Saddens NFL Fans

Hold onto your helmets, NFL fans! It’s no secret that Tom Brady was in the league since what feels like the beginning of time itself.



There have been various incidents in his life when he was at the center of headlines in the NFL world. He’s hit headlines once again but for all the wrong reasons this time.



New Look Tom Brady Saddens NFL Fans



The reason? His face – or rather, the dramatic transformation it has undergone over the years. For years now, Brady has been on the receiving end of backlash and trolling from fans over his changing facial structure. Even at the ripe old age of 45, fans still continue to see changes in Brady’s facial features, causing many fans to ask.

Did Tom Brady go under the knife, and Why?

Fans call out Tom Brady over changing figure once again

Tom Brady was once a healthy and plump 211 lbs rookie entering the league. Since then, Brady has been an absolute unit in the league, as the QB put on more than 15 lbs of pure muscle.



New Look Tom Brady Saddens NFL Fans



But over the years, his declining physical stature and chiselled jawline are starting to draw attention from many. From chiselled jawlines to smooth, almost “waxy” skin, people just can’t stop talking about Brady’s ever-changing appearance.

While it’s true that Brady’s slimmed-down contours could be attributed to his rigorous training regimen, some think otherwise.

Several fans picked up on the fact that Tom has undergone a massive makeover throughout the duration of his career, prompting some to question exactly what’s behind the noticeably more angular look on his face.



New Look Tom Brady Saddens NFL Fans

Many are united in their belief that Tom Brady has undergone plastic surgery. As one fan said, “How great would Brady look now if he hadn’t went under the knife so many times.” Another fan spoke about Brady’s ‘wax’ figure-like looks. “They’re wax figures”. Other fans were trying to make comparisons to Brady and Dungy’s looks.

“They look like they took an 8ball to the face during halftime” “They look like 2 karens you just asked to leave”. But this fan asked the one question on everyone’s mind. “Man why they look like that??”. While speculations are going to continue, it’s tough to really tell what the truth really is. We can only join in on the speculations.